• During a typical healing session I will be running healing energy through your body, as well as helping you to become conscious of your own innate ability to self-heal through the practice of being in presence. This may include include exploring and clearing ancestral traumas and soul (energy body) experiences that have occurred in past lives, or healing current energetic, psychological, or physical imbalances.

    Energy healing can be experienced on its own, or integrated alongside any allopathic or alternative treatments you have chosen. It is a helpful modality for many health issues, including chronic and acute illness, autoimmune disease, mental health, depression, anxiety, PTSD, neurological disease, digestive disorders such as IBS and Crohn’s disease, gut microbiome support, coping and thriving with neurodiversity, disordered eating/dysmorphia, physical traumas/accidents, cancer/recovery from cancer treatments, skin problems such as eczema/acne, and allergies or intolerances. Exposure to chemicals and heavy metals can also be addressed by energetically supporting your body’s natural tendency towards regeneration, alongside an intuitive and individual holistic nutrition approach.


    E A T organic whole foods, as close to their natural state as possible. This includes vegetables, fruits, grains, beans & legumes, seeds, nuts, meat (especially grass-fed & finished or wild), fish (wild-caught smaller fish low on the food chain to avoid heavy metals and chemicals), dairy products (especially grass-fed & finished), fermented foods, spices, and herbs.

    E A T as locally and seasonally as possible. Doing so supports your health, your local community and economy, as well as being more environmentally sustainable.

    D O N ‘ T E A T C H E M I C A L S - including pesticides and herbicides, food additives and colours, heavily refined and processed food, and fast food.

    E A T intuitively. Trust your instincts about what types of food you should be eating in each moment. This may change over time according to particular health issues, allergies or intolerances, or even the season or climate. Belief systems may also determine the type of food you eat. Choose what you know is nurturing and healthy for you.

  • Trusting yourself and acting on your intuitive knowing is paramount in healing and transforming your life experience. Intuition is accessible through presence, and presence is an active state of ‘listening’ - listening to your body, listening to your gut feelings, and listening to your inner truth.

    Often we override our intuition because we are scared of change, or the possibility of changing our lives brings up core fears such as fear of judgment, fear of scarcity, or fear of rejection/abandonment. It is important to understand that fears are usually just thoughts, and we can choose not to let these fears dictate our existence by being fully present with our moment, trusting ourselves, and acting on our intuitive knowing.

  • Presence is a state of being with what exists right now, in your immediate moment. Most of the time ‘right now’ is relatively calm and even pleasant! It is thinking that takes us away from the reality of our moment and creates stress, disharmony and disease in the body and mind.

    I highly encourage embarking upon a journey of learning how to be present and grounded in this moment through some form of meditation. In a meditative state (presence), it is possible to amplify the healing process on all levels, physical, psychological, and energetic (body, mind and soul).

    Periodically, I offer classes focussed on self-healing techniques. Please check my booking page or banner for current offerings.

Intuitive Energy Healer

Registered Holistic Nutritionist

H O U R S (P A C I F I C T I M E)

Wednesday: 10:30am-4:00pm

Thursday: 10:30am-4:00pm

Friday: 10:30am-4:00pm

Saturday: 10:30am-3:30pm